
Is it time to end membership in Third Mutual?

Projects mull pros and cons of forming own Mutual Five Projects in Third Mutual mulled the pros and cons of leaving Third Mutual and forming their own Mutual at a meeting last Wednesday in the Fireside Room, attended by more than 100 residents. The Projects (50 A, B, and C and 55 A and B in District 8) encompass Entries 18 through 25 on Terra Grana...
Posted on October 8, 2019

Retired cop is now Securitas site manager

Minh Phan retired from one career and started another – in a retirement community. Phan is the new head of Rossmoor’s Securitas team. Securitas is Rossmoor’s security service provider, and the company handles the hiring of its staff. “I think Securitas made a wonderful pick with Minh Phan,” said Rossmoor Public Safety Manager Dennis Bell. “He bring...
Posted on October 8, 2019

Flu clinic on Oct. 14 cancelled

The Kaiser flu clinic that was scheduled for Monday, Oct. 14, in the Fireside Room at Gateway has been cancelled. “Kaiser Permanente is unfortunately unable to offer the previously-announced flu clinic at Rossmoor on Oct. 14,” said Jonathan Blair, a spokesperson for Kaiser. “There is a free Rossmoor daily shuttle to Kaiser’s Walnut Creek Medical Ce...
Posted on October 8, 2019

Another grass fire breaks out under problematic power pole

PG&E says pole to be replaced this month Agrass fire broke out last week near the PG& E power pole that has been the scene of at least five fires over the past 15 years, according to resident Jim Brennan. Brennan lives right next to the steep hill off Golden Rain Road, Entry 16, where the blaze started around 4 p.m. on Sept. 23. And, as in ...
Posted on October 1, 2019

Comcast deal keeps TCM, extends contract

Four proposals, 68 letters from residents, two failed motions and two aborted amended motions ended at last week’s GRF Board meeting with a deal that allows residents to keep Turner Classic Movies, while also keeping Comcast in Rossmoor through 2023. The deal came about after Comcast decided in August to move the TCM channel out of its Digital Pref...
Posted on October 1, 2019

GRF Board approves 2020 budget, coupon increase

Final amount is less than projected The GRF Board approved a $23.5 million operations budget for 2020 that is supported in part by a monthly coupon fee of $293.60 per manor, which includes TV and Internet. The cost is $1.187 a month lower than earlier projected, as more savings and revenue are anticipated. “That’s always good to see,” Board Preside...
Posted on October 1, 2019


Following are the actions taken by the GRF Board on Sept. 26: 1. Accepted, as recommended by the Audit Committee, the audit proposal from Shea Labagh Dobberstein to perform an examination of the financial statements of the GRF and the financial statements of the employees’ Pension Plan and the 401(k) Plan and to prepare the necessary income tax ret...
Posted on October 1, 2019

From 2-week job to 47-year career

MOD’s Theresa Molina prepares to retire Rossmoor’s longest tenured employee – Theresa Molina – will retire on Monday, Sept. 30. That’s 42 years and two months after she agreed to fill in for a Mutual Operations Divi-sion (MOD) employee for two weeks. She was hired as a temporary clerk and has risen through the ranks to become Mutual Ser-vices Admin...
Posted on September 24, 2019