Creekside Grill to add new dishes, options

Creekside Grill will add some new dishes and options to its lunch and dinner menus starting Tuesday, July 30. New lunch dishes include an apple and cranberry spinach salad, black and blue grilled steak romaine salad, avocado toast, mushroom burger, teriyaki chicken sandwich, chicken Caesar wrap (which also can be made as a falafel wrap), shaved por...
Posted on July 23, 2024

Councilman Kevin Wilk to speak to Rotary

Walnut Creek City Council member and former Mayor Kevin Wilk recently returned from a three-week trip during which he and a group climbed and trekked to Mount Everest Base Camp. As one of the few elected officials from the U.S. ever to attempt to climb to Everest Base Camp, Wilk and his team experienced altitude sickness, various ailments and bitin...
Posted on July 23, 2024

For a Readier Rossmoor

Rossmoor EPO tip: Before evacuating Rossmoor, residents should tape Rossmoor’s evacuation notice on an inside window or door most easily visible from the street or nearest walkway. This evacuation notice lets first responders know that the home’s occupants and pets have already evacuated, saving emergency service personnel precious minutes to respo...
Posted on July 23, 2024

Clubs can link to website

Rossmoor clubs and organizations can now get links to their websites through the Rossmoor website. To get the links placed on the site, just e-mail the website URL to, and the web master for the site will set it up. The links will be under the club name on the “Clubs and Organization” page, which is listed under “Resident Info” on...
Posted on July 23, 2024

Room reservations spark debate at Policy meeting

Considering the complexity and demand for room reservations in Rossmoor, it’s not surprising the July 8 Policy Committee meeting drew an overflow crowd of residents. Around 45 residents packed the Board Room, 20 of whom spoke during Residents’ Forum regarding proposed changes. Because of the crowd, the Fireside Room was made available as a secondar...
Posted on July 16, 2024

Pools can’t escape the heat

Closures result from safety considerations July began with weeklong scorching triple-digit temperatures that cast a bright light on the safety of residents and employees in times of extreme heat. The heat wave prompted GRF to close its pools for six consecutive afternoons during peak temperatures. The closures impacted the pools at Tice Creek Fitne...
Posted on July 16, 2024
A: MAIN to get a new home

Citing the need to move forward and not “go back to 1999,” the GRF Planning Committee voted unanimously last week to recommend proceeding with a plan to move the web portal from the customized platform it’s used for the past 3 ½ years to the more versatile Hivebrite platform, accelerating contract negotiations toward an anticipated s...
Posted on July 16, 2024

SNAKE: Vehicle

Vehicle Many online sources say it’s common for snakes to seek a spot in a car’s engine compartment. The cold-blooded reptiles usually seek heat, and car engines generate plenty of that. Also, under the hood of a car can offer some measure of protection from predators. A snake finding its way into the passenger cabin is far less common, those sourc...
Posted on July 16, 2024

King snake takes a break in resident’s car

Al Guskin was climbing into his 2020 Lexus ES Hybrid 300 on a recent Friday evening, planning to head to the Tice Valley Fitness Center. But he didn’t get his workout in that day, skipping the drive altogether as he dealt with an unexpected, if mild-mannered, hitchhiker. “I had turned the car on, and then I jumped out when I saw it,” Guskin said of...
Posted on July 16, 2024