
Leaf blowing: Answering your questions

It’s that time of year again when the familiar sound of power blowers can be heard at most hours of the day. In order to address common resident concerns, the Landscape Department would like to answer a few frequently asked questions about leaf blowing: Q : Why don’t the gardeners use rakes and brooms instead of blowers? A : It takes many times lon...
Posted on November 12, 2019

Former GRF President Susan Williamson, 82, described as a visionary

Susan Williamson is being remembered as a good friend, loving grandmother, dedicated sportswoman and a long-time supporter of Rossmoor. She is also described as a strong, independent woman who was brave in the face of death and helped change people’s perception of dying. Williamson died Nov. 2 after losing a long battle with leukemia. She was activ...
Posted on November 12, 2019

Off the streets: RVs are back in their parking lot

All of the RVs now should be off the streets and back in the RV parking lot adjacent to the Mutual Operations Department (MOD). For eight months, the RVs had to relocate to Rossmoor streets while the solar array was installed at MOD and the parking lot was repaved. “We want to thank the residents who have been very patient over this past year with ...
Posted on November 12, 2019

Check out Dollar’s small lending library

Rossmoor has a small lending library located in Dollar Clubhouse. The library is to the right of the front door. Because it is a small lending library based on the honor system, there is no check-out process. Just select a book to read and return it when finished. Readers are asked to return the borrowed material in the same condition and not to ma...
Posted on November 12, 2019

Mutual 59 seeks member for committee

Mutual 59 is looking for someone within the Mutual who has accounting experience to serve on the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee meet bi-monthly to go over the Mutual’s financial statements. This is not a board position. Any Mutual 59 resident who is interested can contact Lucy Limon at or 925-988-7718.
Posted on November 12, 2019

Strong winds take down trees

Fallen oak damages railing at Creekside Extreme winds recorded at more than 60 mph near Mt. Diablo on Sunday, Oct. 27, fanned fast-burning fires, uprooted at least four big trees at Rossmoor and tore off branches and limbs of dozens more. Compounding the situation, two fires broke out that afternoon in Lafayette, filling the air with acrid smoke an...
Posted on November 5, 2019

PSPS, fires: What residents need to know

Only about 100 homes in Rossmoor were affected during the Oct. 26 Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), but in its initial announcement, PG& E indicated almost all of Rossmoor might have lost power. As Northern California grappled with its second major PSPS, windstorms wreaked havoc with the Kincade Fire, leading to mass evacuations in Sonoma Cou...
Posted on November 5, 2019

Rossmoor hires new golf pro

Vigil has been on job for 2 weeks Director of Golf Mark Heptig is thrilled with the new addition to his staff. Jacque Vigil has joined Rossmoor as the new assistant golf pro, becoming the second woman assistant pro in the 50-plus year history of golf in Rossmoor. She has a 5 handicap and is a PGA pro with decades of golf experience. Heptig has had ...
Posted on November 5, 2019

Price tag just went down for water reclamation plant

GRF Board meeting The multi-million dollar cost to build and operate a water reclamation facility to supply Rossmoor’s golf courses with water just got cheaper. That’s because Rossmoor was granted riparian rights to Tice Creek, Resident Services Director Jeff Matheson told the GRF Board during last Thursday’s meeting. “The quantity of water needed ...
Posted on November 5, 2019