Republicans set dinner meeting

Tim Snowball will be speaker The Republican Club dinner meeting is on Tuesday, March 17, at the Event Center. The speaker is Tim Snowball, an attorney with the Pacific Legal Foundation. His topic is “Litigating for Liberty: A Blueprint for Restoring the Republic.” He focuses on individual rights, including Americans’ Fourth Amendment right to be fr...
Posted on March 10, 2020

Security Reports

FROM SECURITAS The following are the major incidents reported to Securitas, Rossmoor’s security service provider. They appear here as they were initially reported to Securitas. After investigation, details of a case may indicate a lesser or different incident description. If the case warrants it, the News will do a follow-up story. Thursday, Feb. 2...
Posted on March 10, 2020

John Muir to close Senior Services

“It’s no secret that health care costs continue to rise, and health care systems across the nation are struggling with declining revenues in the face of an aging population and relentless increases in the prices of almost anything labelled medical.” Dr. Lawren Hicks, the medical director of John Muir Medical Center’s (JMMC) Senior Services, uttered...
Posted on March 3, 2020

Shopping Center nears completion

New access ramps are built for Safeway The major construction work at the Rossmoor Shopping Center is nearing its completion. Last week, work wrapped up around the Safeway store and now only the new bus shelter remains to be finished, said shopping center owner Terrence Tallen of Tallen Capital Partners, LLC. The Safeway remodel work includes enhan...
Posted on March 3, 2020

Water reclamation tops priority list

GRF Board meeting Plant would keep golf courses green during drought The GRF Board took a big step toward construction of a water reclamation plant that could cost as much as $12.5 million but save the golf courses from drying up. In the process, the Board eliminated – for now – $1.2 million from the $1.6 million project to renovate the five hobby ...
Posted on March 3, 2020

Rite Aid will close March 22

Rossmoor residents are taking advantage of sell-out prices at the Tice Valley Boulevard Rite Aid as the store prepares to close on Sunday, March 22. The pharmacy has already closed, and all prescriptions have been transferred to CVS, across the street. Many shelves and refrigerators in Rite Aid have been cleared. Prices on some remaining items are ...
Posted on March 3, 2020

Rite Aid will close March 22

Rossmoor residents are taking advantage of sell-out prices at the Tice Valley Boulevard Rite Aid as the store prepares to close on Sunday, March 22. The pharmacy has already closed, and all prescriptions have been transferred to CVS, across the street. Many shelves and refrigerators in Rite Aid have been cleared. Prices on some remaining items are ...
Posted on March 3, 2020

Rite Aid closing – with little warning

Store could shutter by the end of week Many Rossmorians are swallowing a bitter pill as they prepare to say to goodbye to the Rite Aid drugstore at the corner of Tice Valley Road and Rossmoor Parkway. The store plans to close at the end of February or early March, according to company representatives. Most, if not all, of the medical prescriptions ...
Posted on February 25, 2020

Want to make home improvements?

Find ideas at annual Home Show This year’s free Rossmoor Home Show on Thursday, March 5, is so big, residents will need a map to find all of the 51 vendors situated around the Tahoe Room in the Event Center. They’ll also need a tote bag for all of the free handouts they’ll get. The fifth annual event, sponsored by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, i...
Posted on February 25, 2020