
Transportation website, services roll out changes

Rossmoor Transportation Department has made some changes and upgrades to its website and transport services. “The website has been updated and is now much more user-friendly,” said Ralph Dennis, Rossmoor’s fleet compliance manager. Residents can access the information at, click on “For Residents” and then “Transportation.” Dial-A-B...
Posted on March 17, 2020

More Rossmoor Scenes

Next Shred Day scheduled for April 4 The Recreation Department is holding a Shred Day on Saturday, April 4, from 8 to noon or until trucks are full, in the Gateway parking lot. The cost is $5 per banker box, or the equivalent of a 12-by-10-by-15-inch box. Staff will be on hand to assist with unloading. For information, call 925-988-7700. EDITOR’S N...
Posted on March 17, 2020

Computer Center open limited hours for now

The Computer Center at Gateway will be open Monday through Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for those residents who need to use computers. Only three residents will be permitted into the center at a time. Computer usage may be limited to 15 minutes. No other services will be available. For information, go to or call 925-947-4527. EDITOR’S N...
Posted on March 17, 2020

Custodians take steps to prevent spread of flu, coronavirus

Some events canceled on advice of health officials The Golden Rain Foundation and Rossmoor clubs began canceling events in Rossmoor this past weekend as health officials advised precautionary measures with the spread of the coronavirus. Starting Saturday, March 7, a weekend dance and concert at the Event Center were the first events canceled, along...
Posted on March 10, 2020

Two coyotes run toward resident as she walks dog on Rossmoor Parkway

Felicia Jongordon was walking her dog Benji on Rossmoor Parkway, near Entry 4, on March 3, about 8 a.m., when she saw two coyotes on the other side of the street, coming towards them. She said they were nearly halfway across the parkway. “I was fully expecting to be attacked,” said Jongordon, who picked up Benji – whom she walks on a leash – grabbe...
Posted on March 10, 2020

Splish splash: outdoor pools reopen

Seasonal lifeguards being hired It’s that time of year again: Rossmoorians will hear the splashing of the outdoor pools as classes, clinics and free swims kick into gear. Hillside and Dollar pools opened March 1. The opening of Dollar pool was the most eagerly anticipated, as it went through a winter renovation. One of the improvements was moving t...
Posted on March 10, 2020

Valley-wide LED light replacement begins

Performing Arts Studio work is underway LED lights are going in at GRF facilities valley wide. The work began last week and is expected to take six to eight weeks. The new lights replace a variety of bulb types, including fluorescent. The changes are part of GRF’s lighting upgrade. The good news is that the new lights are more energy efficient and ...
Posted on March 10, 2020

Because of early press deadlines, ….

Because of early press deadlines, most of the Rossmoor News was already at the printer when the GRF and some Rossmoor clubs and organizations began canceling events as advised by health officials. To try to provide residents with the most up-to-date
Posted on March 10, 2020

Deadline to submit GRF Board of Directors petitions is Friday

The deadline for signed petitions from residents who are interested in running for the GRF Board in Districts E, H and I this spring is Friday, March 13, no later than 4 p.m. Petitions must be accompanied by the candidate’s statement of 300 words or less, setting forth background and qualifications and views on the issues that are expected to be pa...
Posted on March 10, 2020

Coffee w ith the Cops returns March 31

The Walnut Creek Police Department will hold a Coffee with the Cops event on Tuesday, March 31, from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Redwood Room at Gateway. The free informal get-together is designed as a meet-and-greet between the community policing team and residents. Sgt. Scott Moorhouse said he expects to have a comparable number of officers and professio...
Posted on March 10, 2020