
GRF Board meeting

Some ‘rough’ areas of golf course to go dormant Board approves plan to save on GRF water bill To save an estimated $80,000 on its water bill for the golf courses, the GRF Board last Thursday approved a three-phase plan to cut off water to some 11 acres of outlying areas of the courses. The last areas to be shut down are the ones that back up to hom...
Posted on May 5, 2020

GRF Board to hold annual meeting Monday

Notice is hereby given that the 56th Annual Meeting of Members of the Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek will be held on Monday, May 11, at 9:30 a.m. via a Zoom webinar. To join the videoconference, click on https:// The password is 992012. To join by phone, dial one of the following numbers: 669-900-6833, 346-248-7799, 253...
Posted on May 5, 2020

How pandemic stalled dream world cruise for residents

r Bill Oman calls it “the world cruise that wasn’t.” Oman and Larry Crummer, longtime residents of Rossmoor, set sail from Fort Lauderdale for a round-theworld cruise of a lifetime on Jan. 4, a few days before news of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan started to trickle in – and weeks before the U.S. and other countries were hard hit by the virus. ...
Posted on May 5, 2020

Rossmoor News

The Rossmoor News (927080), established April 15, 1965, is published every Wednesday for Rossmoor residents and is available outside of the community at a subscription rate of $55 per year (for second-class mail delivery), by Golden Rain Foundation, 1006 Stanley Dollar Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Periodical postage is paid in Walnut Creek, CA. P...
Posted on May 5, 2020

May 31 is deadline for work on fire abatement

Contra Costa County Fire Protection District has announced that the weed abatement deadline is May 31, barring any late rains. In the case of wet weather returning, the deadline may be extended, said Landscape Manager Rebecca Pollon. Grass abatement is best performed when grasses are dry and brown, so Pollon said the work will begin soon so that it...
Posted on May 5, 2020


Some residents were not clear based on articles in last week’s News about when face masks are required in public. They are required when working at an essential business, visiting inside an essential business, visiting a health care provider and waiting in line or riding public transportation. They are not required when engaging in outdoor recreati...
Posted on May 5, 2020

Farmers Market returns

The farmers market will return to Rossmoor on May 15, setting up in the Gateway parking lot every Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The farmers market has been a regular addition in Rossmoor every year from mid-May through October. Local vendors sell fruits, vegetables, baked goods and savory items. This year, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the...
Posted on April 28, 2020

Caregivers face new challenges in pandemic

Caregivers at Rossmoor and in the community at large face new challenges in caring for seniors since the advent of COVID-19. Deborah McElwaine has worked as a senior caregiver for more than 10 years, including many years at Rossmoor. She spoke about new challenges for Rossmoor caregivers and the families they take care of during this pandemic. “One...
Posted on April 28, 2020