
Ralf Parton, who showed Rossmoor residents the world, dies at 88

Ralf Parton, who over nearly three decades in Rossmoor led hundreds of Rossmoorians on European art and African wildlife tours, died July 2 after a battle with cancer. He was 88. Parton, a retired art professor, was known around Rossmoor for his buoyant personality and many passions, including trains, sculpting, tennis and politics. “Ralf knew ever...
Posted on August 18, 2020

Ralf Parton, who showed Rossmoor residents the world, dies at 88

Ralf Parton, who over nearly three decades in Rossmoor led hundreds of Rossmoorians on European art and African wildlife tours, died July 30 after a battle with cancer. He was 88. Parton, a retired art professor, was known around Rossmoor for his buoyant personality and many passions, including trains, sculpting, tennis and politics. “Ralf knew eve...
Posted on August 18, 2020

MOD still open for business

Front door is locked, but staff there to help Mutual Operations (MOD) is closed to foot traffic, but staff are just as busy now as they were at this time last year. “Summertime is busy, and we’re busy just like any year,” said Sharon Fees, Mutual Services administrative manager. Working behind the scenes, business still gets done. Departments such ...
Posted on August 11, 2020

When to wear them, how to wash them

Clearing up some confusion about face masks In February, Surgeon General Jerome Adams tweeted that people needed to stop buying masks: “They are not effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.” On June 5, the World Health Organization declared that there is no direct evidence that healthy people wearing masks is effective in ...
Posted on August 11, 2020

GRF Policy Committee

GRF protest, nondiscrimination proposed policies under review The GRF Policy Committee wants more time to mull over the hot button issues of protests and nondiscrimination before forwarding the matters on to the full GRF Board for consideration. After about an hour and a half of going line by line over the proposed policies for each on Aug. 4, the ...
Posted on August 11, 2020

Board decision on employee pay, benefits explained

The GRF Board of Directors met in executive session late on Thursday afternoon, July 30, following the regular Board meeting to discuss whether to continue paying staff who are not being utilized at 100% of their budgeted time. This meeting followed earlier decisions, most recently in May, to pay under-utilized employees through July 31. On March 1...
Posted on August 11, 2020

CERT to review deployment in a disaster during a pandemic

The Rossmoor Area Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will hold a training meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 10 a.m. on Zoom. The Rossmoor Area has more than 100 trained volunteers who can be deployed during a disaster and pandemic. After a meeting with a small group of CERTs, recommendations were presented to the Walnut Creek CERT Leadership Te...
Posted on August 11, 2020

Second Mutual schedules special meeting

Members welcome to attend Zoom meeting about 2021 budget Second Mutual will hold a special board meeting to craft the 2021 budget on Thursday, Aug. 13, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. All members are welcome to observe the meeting and address the board. The final proposed budget will be presented at the annual meeting of members held in October. The board the...
Posted on August 11, 2020

Online Comcast appointments answer residents’ questions

Residents who have questions or need help with Comcast can make appointments to talk with a representative online, while the Fireside Room remains closed due to COVID-19. Appointments are available between 10 a.m. and noon every Tuesday through Thursday until the Fireside Room reopens. Residents can go online to ufscnku, pick t...
Posted on August 11, 2020

Busy months ahead for Policy Committee

GRF Board meeting Committee tasked to explore enforcement, term limits The GRF Policy Committee is going to be busy, tackling questions of whether residents who violate Rossmoor rules should be punished and whether term limits are needed for GRF committees. The matters were referred to the committee by the GRF Board on Thursday after its debate of ...
Posted on August 4, 2020