Big Questions Forum speaker is former NASA scientist

The Big Questions Forum will meet on Monday, Sept. 21, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Zoom. The Big Question of 2020 is: What is the relationship between science and religion in today’s world? The speaker is Dr. Nazeer Ahmed. He holds a doctorate from Cornell University and a master’s degree in space sciences from Caltech. He is a former NASA scientist and...
Posted on September 1, 2020

Tice Creek restoration clears hurdle

Permits have been granted, bids submitted Another hurdle has been cleared in the multi-year effort to restore sections of Tice Creek as it meanders through Rossmoor. The required government permits have now been issued. Three construction bids were submitted earlier this month. A consultant’s recommendation on the bids is pending. The creek has bee...
Posted on August 25, 2020

Resident attacked by racoon during walk

Rossmoor resident Patricia Donahue said she suffered 15 puncture wounds to her arm and leg during a rare attack by a racoon while on an early morning walk Aug. 18. Donahue had just left her home on the 2200 block of Pine Knoll Drive around 5:45 a.m. when her dog, a Tibetan terrier, peered into a sewer drain. After pulling the dog away, she said, a ...
Posted on August 25, 2020

Every registered voter to get mail-in ballot

2020 Election If you’re one of the 160,000 registered voters in Contra Costa County who doesn’t vote by mail, don’t be surprised when an official mail-in-ballot for the Nov. 3 election arrives in your mailbox. D ue to health concerns about COVID-19, every registered voter in the state will get a postage-paid mail-in ballot for the November election...
Posted on August 25, 2020

Heat wave brings wildfires, rotating blackouts to state

Aweek of scorching temperatures and lightning strikes brought excessive heat warnings, rotating blackouts, wildfires and smoke into the Bay Area, creating even more anxiety in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Triple-digit temperatures prompted PG& E to announce the possibility of rotating power outages from 3 to 10 p.m. in Contra Costa C...
Posted on August 25, 2020

Deadlines are early next week for News

The News will have early deadlines for the Sept. 9 issue because of the Labor Day holiday. All articles for that issue are due no later than Wednesday, Sept. 2, at noon. All ads, obits and letters to the editor are due no later than Wednesday, Sept. 2, at 3 p.m. No extended deadlines can be granted. The News and most other Golden Rain Foundation em...
Posted on August 25, 2020

Crane collapses on News/Channel 28 roof during tree removal

Giant oak tree considered a danger after limb snapped off Acrane collapsed and punctured a hole in the roof of the News/Channel 28 office last Wednesday afternoon while a tree crew removed a 100-foot decaying oak tree outside the office. No one was injured, but the News and Channel 28 staff were evacuated and temporarily displaced while the damage ...
Posted on August 18, 2020

Faith online has unexpected rewards

Churches are adapting to pandemic Before the coronavirus pandemic, most Rossmoor residents of a religious persuasion would travel at most a few miles to attend worship services. Eileen Hultin’s faith journey covered 28 miles each way, taking her across the Bay Bridge to St. Thomas Anglican Church in San Francisco. Since moving from San Francisco to...
Posted on August 18, 2020

Monthly barbecues offer welcome relief

The sun was out, the temperature at Gateway was just right – not too hot and not too cold – and there was the delicious smell of cheeseburgers cooking on the barbecue. All was right with the world, at least during lunchtime on Tuesday, Aug. 11. The barbecue lunches are offered the second Tuesday of the month, July through October, from 11 a.m. to 1...
Posted on August 18, 2020

Planning Committee wants cost estimates for proposed pathways

The GRF Planning Committee decided it might have put the cart before the horse when it looked at developing walking trails and three new parks along Rossmoor Parkway. The committee of four GRF Board members decided at Thursday’s meeting to get some ballpark estimates of what those plans could cost. It also appointed a subcommittee to look into ways...
Posted on August 18, 2020