
Waterford takes over restaurant operations

By Craig Lazzeretti Assistant managing editor Mutual 58 is expecting “substantial” cost savings from its decision last month to sever ties with the company that runs The Waterford’s restaurant and bring food operations in-house. The Mutual 58 board voted unanimously Aug. 27 to terminate the contract of Guckenheimer effective Nov. 1, Mutual Executiv...
Posted on September 8, 2020

Rossmoor track star hopes to compete until she’s 100

By Rowena Gonden Staff writer Some Rossmoor residents might have spotted Joy Upshaw running barefoot across the golf course when it’s closed to strengthen the muscles in her feet. Three times a week, she also heads for a track to practice sprinting techniques and sailing over 30-inch hurdles. The workouts aren’t just for exercise - Upshaw’s a compe...
Posted on September 8, 2020

Rockcrest gets new rest stop on trail

Landscape Department staff and a Trails Club of Rossmoor representative recently installed a park bench under a shady Oak tree on a ridge top on the Rockcrest Trail. On Aug. 31, the five carried equipment and parts for the new rest stop overlooking the Rossmoor valley with Mount Diablo in the background. They cleared a spot and assembled the bench ...
Posted on September 8, 2020

BBQ on Peacock Plaza set for Sept. 15

The BBQ on Peacock Plaza will return on Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Usually these BBQs are held on the second Tuesday of each month, but the one in September is later in the month because the flu clinic will be on the second Tuesday. Residents need to pre-order and pre-pay for their meals. Meals are available to pick up or eat lun...
Posted on September 8, 2020

WC candidates forum Sept. 15

A free online forum of candidates for Walnut Creek City Council will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 9-11 a.m. The forum, hosted by the Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau, will include all eight candidates running for three open Walnut Creek City Council seats. The candidates are Hailey Ayres, Cindy Darling, Loella Haskew, Ku...
Posted on September 8, 2020

Pools will close when air quality reaches unhealthy levels

The recent wildfires and resulting smoke have prompted the Golden Rain Foundation to follow the City of Walnut Creek’s lead regarding the operation of its pools. Starting Aug. 25, GRF adopted a policy in which its three pools close when the Air Quality Index (AQI) reaches 150, as determined by Air Now ( The index is based on dat...
Posted on September 1, 2020

Board cuts walking time on golf courses

Starting Sept. 8, Creekside not available to walk until 6 p.m. Walkers will still be allowed on the Creekside Golf Course cart paths during late afternoons, but for two hours less a day. In a compromise, the GRF Board last Thursday decided to modify its 4-month-old policy that closed the ninehole Creekside course early to let residents walk the pat...
Posted on September 1, 2020

Flu clinics come to Rossmoor this month

Kaiser Permanente will provide flu vaccinations free-ofcharge to all Kaiser Permanente members and non-members at Rossmoor this year. To maintain social distancing, it will offer an outdoor walk-up flu vaccine clinic on Tuesday, Sept. 8 and Thursday, Sept. 10 in the Gateway parking lot. Residents with last names starting with A through K can get th...
Posted on September 1, 2020

They’re back: Feral pigs devour Rossmoor lawns

After an interlude, the wild animals that some describe as rototillers on four legs have returned to Rossmoor in their search for food. An employee in the Mutual Operations Division confirmed Aug. 25 that Rossmoor had caught one of the feral pigs after residents of Mutual 61 asked for help abating the havoc the creatures are wreaking on their lawns...
Posted on September 1, 2020

Diversity Consciousness introduces flyer

The Diversity Consciousness of Interfaith Council has been working since its inception to celebrate and support the cultural and racial diversity that exists in Rossmoor. The committee has now gone the next step in promoting a more inclusive community via two projects. These two projects are Realtor outreach and Rossmoor website enhancement. The Re...
Posted on September 1, 2020