
Flat walking areas near Rossmoor: Tice Valley Park

While the debate over walking the golf course continues, residents may enjoy exploring some flat walking options nearby. In the coming weeks, we will take a closer look at areas within 5 miles of Rossmoor that offer flat, paved walkways dedicated to pedestrians and bikes only (no vehicles). First up: Tice Valley Park. Just outside the Rossmoor gate...
Posted on October 6, 2020

GRF Board passes savings to residents by lowering 2021 coupon

The GRF Board decided that if there were savings for next year, then those should be passed on to the residents. On a 6-3 vote, the Board decided Thursday to cut the proposed $23.5 million 2021 operating budget by $235,958. This brings the budget down to $23.3 million and equates to a $2.47 per manor per month coupon reduction. That means residents...
Posted on September 29, 2020

What a treat: Kathleen Epperson recalls her grandfather’s Popsicle legacy

There’s a little blurb on the outside of a Popsicle box called “Pop History.” It reads: “In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson left a mixture of powdered soda and water, along with a stirring stick outside … He awoke the next morning to find a frozen pop … Popsicle was born and became America’s favorite ice pop!... ” Epperson’s granddaughter, Kathlee...
Posted on September 29, 2020

Prepare for earthquake – tips from EPO, CERT

October is Earthquake Preparedness Month. When an earthquake hits (and it is not a matter of if, but rather when), the time to get prepared is now. To that end, the Emergency Preparedness Organization (EPO) and Rossmoor Area Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will hold a combined meeting on Monday, Oct. 5, at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Dale Alan Cox ...
Posted on September 29, 2020

What supplies are needed for emergency sheltering

Creating an earthquake kit by supplementing a premade kit (such as your Graband- Go bag) is an opportunity for families to talk about what they would do when a major earthquake strikes. That bag needs to sustain the household (including pets) for at least three days or 72 hours. This is to account for the time it may take for first responders to re...
Posted on September 29, 2020

Board signals it won’t increase GRF portion of coupon for 2021

At the GRF Board’s direction, staff delivered a draft budget last week that would mean no increase for the GRF portion of the coupon in 2021. The GRF Board and Finance Committee, in a six-hour joint meeting on Zoom, reviewed a budget that proposes keeping the GRF portion of the coupon at the current $293.60 for next year. “The Board had emphasized ...
Posted on September 22, 2020

Resident’s Reflections Dr. Lonnie Bristow recounts medical career

He took on tobacco industry and death penalty Lonnie Bristow retired his stethoscope some two decades ago, but the Rossmoor resident’s memories of his life’s trajectory are still clear. He sounds much younger than his 90 years as he recounts the influences that led to a storied career in medicine, one that landed him on the pages of the New York Ti...
Posted on September 22, 2020

Renovated restrooms await Hillside’s reopening

When Hillside Clubhouse eventually reopens, residents will find that the 1960s-era restrooms have been completely redone to meet today’s needs. Work began at the end of May and should be finished by the end of the month, Resident Services Director Jeff Matheson said. It has taken this long because materials are in short supply, he said. With the cl...
Posted on September 22, 2020