GRF Board seeking District I director

GRF Board District I Director John Kikuchi resigned on Oct. 13 because he is moving to San Diego to be closer to family. He was serving his first year of a three-year term on the GRF Board. Kikuchi had also served on the boards for the Rossmoor Fund Rossmoor Scholarship Foundation, as well as the GRF Audit Committee. In accordance with the GRF Byla...
Posted on November 10, 2020

MOD offers email addresses to answer questions

Residents who need assistance from Mutual Operations can now email individual departments to get a response within 24 hours. The emails are as follows: • Accounting, including questions about coupon payments –; • Alterations –; • Building Maintenance, to report maintenance or landscape issues that do no...
Posted on November 10, 2020

Tice Creek pools set to reopen tomorrow

Some fitness and aquatics classes resume Assistant and managing editors The Tice Creek indoor pool facility can reopen for recreational swimming — at least for now. Because of continued gains in reducing the transmission of COVID-19, California moved Contra Costa County from the red tier to the less-restrictive orange tier on Oct. 27, allowing for ...
Posted on November 3, 2020

GRF installs PurpleAir sensors in Rossmoor Sensors placed at pools, MOD and other spots

Smoky air from wildfires prompted the closure of the Hillside and Dollar swimming pools on 13 days during August through October. And on Sept. 9, the air was so thick with smoke that Kaiser Permanente called off its outdoor flu clinic at Gateway after three hours when people started getting sick. Because of the growing concerns around the health im...
Posted on November 3, 2020

Residents reminded to cancel pool and fitness reservations

No-shows at Dollar and Hillside pools have continued from the summer into fall, even as some residents have trouble finding a desirable reservation time for the two outdoor pools. As many as 200 swimmers were no-shows in a given week during the summer. And while those numbers slipped to just over 40 per week in late September, they still leave resi...
Posted on November 3, 2020


An editorial error in the CEO’s Report (Oct. 28) listed two sets of county COVID metrics. The correct numbers were 3.3% positivity rate and 7 daily case rate per hundred thousand residents as of Oct. 27, when Contra Costa moved to the orange tier. The directions for the recipe for apple chips on Page 25A of the Oct. 21 edition omitted that the oven...
Posted on November 3, 2020

Early deadlines coming up

The Rossmoor News will have very early deadlines for the Dec. 2 issue because of Thanksgiving. All columns, club trip listings and religion articles are due Monday, Nov. 23, by noon. All other club and organization articles are due Tuesday, Nov. 24, by noon. All ads and letters to the editor must be turned in by Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 3 p.m. No deadl...
Posted on November 3, 2020

Housebound in Rossmoor? It’s time to get up and moving

Residents staying mobile with outdoor sports, walking After months of being largely housebound because of the global pandemic, smoky air and heat waves, Rossmoor residents are flying the coop and getting active again. Outdoor sports, virtual exercise classes and just walking around Rossmoor are popular. And the limited opening of the Fitness Center...
Posted on October 27, 2020