Holidays, training affect bus service

With upcoming holidays and training, there will be changes to bus service in Rossmoor. The buses will not operate on the following holidays: • Wednesday, Nov. 11, for Veterans Day; • Thursday, Nov. 26, and Friday, Nov. 27, for Thanksgiving Day and the day after; • Thursday, Dec. 24, and Friday, Dec. 25, for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; • Friday...
Posted on November 17, 2020

News will have early deadlines

The Rossmoor News will have very early deadlines for the Dec. 2 issue because of Thanksgiving. All columns, club trip listings and religion articles are due Monday, Nov. 23, by noon. All other club and organization articles are due Tuesday, Nov. 24, by noon. All ads and letters to the editor must be turned in by Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 3 p.m. No deadl...
Posted on November 17, 2020

How will Rossmoor residents receive notifications about evacuations

Arecent wildfire seminar hosted by the Rossmoor Emergency Preparedness Organization prompted quite a few questions about emergency evacuation notices. Quite a few means of communications will be used to notify Rossmoor residents in the event of an evacuation. First, the Contra Costa County Wa rning System (CWS) will be used. The CWS will notify lan...
Posted on November 10, 2020

Stories of service

Honoring Rossmoor’s veterans of war In Vietnam, Neil Fiore served in 101st Airborne Neil Fiore, who served in the 101st Airborne Division (dubbed the Screaming Eagles) during the Vietnam War, is not a fan of war – “war is crazy, it’s stupid,” he said – but he wants veterans to get the respect they deserve. “I wear my 101st Airborne hat because of t...
Posted on November 10, 2020

Leona Shahani served in U.S. Women’s Army Corps

In honor of Veterans Day, I would like to introduce one of our more senior Rossmoor resident veterans, former U. S. Women’s Army Corps (WAC) private first class Leona Shahani. In fall 1943, Shahani was a freshman at the University of Wisconsin. While in college, she was very much aware of the war as she watched the young men in the ROTC “training f...
Posted on November 10, 2020

New Channel 28 station manager not new to Rossmoor community

George Ivanov has been named Rossmoor TV Channel 28 station manager. He replaces Susan Ritner, who retired in July. Ivanov, who was studio coordinator, had filled in on an interim basis. “George has been a quiet, driving force behind the great work at Channel 28 for years, but during the pandemic and subsequent shutdown, he has really shined,” Comm...
Posted on November 10, 2020

Share why you are thankful in 2020

Despite the pandemic, we frequently hear from residents who share why they remain thankful even during these trying times. We also see it in the Scenes Around Rossmoor photos that are published each week. Now, we’d like to give residents a chance to share their gratitude with others. Residents either can tell us in 150 words or less or show us in a...
Posted on November 10, 2020

Rossmoor Quilters donate 34 quilts, other items for victims of CZU Lightning Complex fires

Rossmoor Quilters club has donated 34 quilts, several bags, pillowcases and masks to the Pajaro Valley Quilt Association for distribution to victims of the CZU Lightning Complex fires near Santa Cruz. Nancy Conrad drove the items to the Nimble Thimble Quilt Shop in Gilroy, which is one of the collection points. The quilters also collected sewing no...
Posted on November 10, 2020