
Creek-restoration work wraps up

Restoration work on Tice Creek wrapped up earlier this month, with a little assist from Mother Nature. Building Maintenance Manager Clayton Clark was eager to get the long-awaited project finished before rains arrived. The construction work began Oct. 12 and finished Nov. 10, just days before Rossmoor got its first wet weather of the season. “The r...
Posted on November 24, 2020

There are still reasons to be grateful

Residents pause to give thanks during tough 2020 Celebrating Thanksgiving during a global pandemic is not exactly what anyone wanted this year. Plus, we’re still recovering from wildfires, the divisiveness of the presidential election, civil unrest and the crisis in health care, among other things that seem to have come out of left field this year....
Posted on November 24, 2020

Rossmoor charitable organizations salute generous donors who kept them afloat

Rossmoor charitable organizations are holding their own in 2020, despite having to cancel the vast majority of annual fundraisers due to the pandemic. The organizations say it’s the generosity of Rossmoor residents that’s kept them afloat. Leanne Hamaji, president of Rossmoor Lions Club, said the club flourished financially in 2020. “Rossmoor Lions...
Posted on November 24, 2020

New web portal will be a real boon for residents

Task force impressed by preview Asneak peek at Rossmoor’s soon-to-be rolled out web portal was met with enthusiasm by the GRF Planning Committee’s new Ad Hoc Communications Task Force last week. The new portal will make it easier for residents to sign up for Recreation’s ticketed events, such as movies, excursions and classes; golf course tee times...
Posted on November 24, 2020

Bob Kelso’s Q&A is on Dec. 10

GRF Board President Bob Kelso will move his December live Q& A forum from the first Thursday of the month to Dec. 10, from 2 p.m. until there are no additional questions. Kelso will answer residents’ questions live on the video conference website Zoom. The session was moved a week because it conf licted with the GRF Board meeting. Residents are...
Posted on November 24, 2020


A story on Page 18A about the Walnut Creek Concert Band’s 2019 holiday concert airing on Channel 28 incorrectly listed the time for the broadcasts. They will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, Dec. 1 and Dec. 22.
Posted on November 24, 2020

Rossmoor Holiday Food Drive collecting money for food bank

The Rossmoor Holiday Food Drive returns, just in time for Thanksgiving, but will look very different because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of collecting food in Rossmoor, this year’s drive will ask residents to make monetary donations to the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano. As in past years, the event is sponsored by the Interfaith Council...
Posted on November 17, 2020