CERT to detail how pets figure in with evacuation plans

Learn about Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) plans for pets and service animals in a disaster at a CERT training meeting on Tuesday, March 16, at 10 a.m. on Zoom. Walnut Creek area CERT, as well as all CERT areas, have a component specifically to respond to animals (such as dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, gerbils and reptiles) that accompany t...
Posted on March 9, 2021

Longer pool hours start next week

With better weather and the change to Daylight Savings Time, the Dollar and Hillside pool hours will be extended, beginning Monday, March 15. The pools will then be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Residents must still sign up for 45-minute pool times. The pools’ cleaning day schedule will also change. Hillside will be closed for cleaning Tuesdays from 6...
Posted on March 9, 2021

GRF to ask government to forgive $3.6 million PPP loan

The GRF Board is confident that GRF will be relieved of its obligation to pay back the $3.57 million Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgivable loan it was granted to pay employees at the start of the pandemic. At its Thursday meeting, the Board instructed CEO Tim O’Keefe to apply for forgiveness of its U.S. Small Business Administration PPP loan...
Posted on March 2, 2021

The Ten Commandments of Recycling

Residents share do’s and don’ts of sorting items Thou shalt not toss plastic bags, candy wrappers or cardboard with a shiny coating in the blue bins! Thus sayeth a small group of environmentally conscious Rossmoor residents who have been sharing recycling do’s and don’ts with their neighbors. “We’re trying to convert people – that’s the bottom line...
Posted on March 2, 2021

Deadline for GRF Board petitions nearing

The deadline for signed petitions from residents who are interested in running for the GRF Board in Districts A, C, D and I this spring is Friday, March 12, no later than 4 p.m. Petitions must be accompanied by the candidate’s statement of 300 words or less setting forth background and qualifications and views on the issues that are expected to be ...
Posted on March 2, 2021

Resident shares insights gained over five decades, three careers Andrew Chu to speak on auto technologies

Andrew Chu said he’s lucky to have turned an interest in all things automotive into a long, enjoyable and multifaceted career, first as a mechanical engineer, then as a chief executive officer and later as a college professor. “I’ve run into people who were nice to me and coached me,” said Chu, 80, a Rossmoor resident since 2010. “I like to say I’v...
Posted on March 2, 2021

Treasurer’s report: Golf revenue drives strong start to 2021

2021 is presenting a very different picture from what we saw in 2020. Revenue for the overall organization fell short of expectations in January by only $44,000. More importantly, management focused on essential spending to offset that shortfall in order to maintain a strong financial position for the organization. In GRF Operations, January revenu...
Posted on March 2, 2021


In the Feb. 17 Residents’ Forum, an editing error inserted extra words into Pat Kasavan’s letter “In Defense of TV Channel 28.” The line should have read: “A fascinating series on the history of Rossmoor, from its origins as a Saklan Indian settlement, then Mexican land grant, ownership by a series of wealthy individuals, sale to developer Ross Cor...
Posted on March 2, 2021

Pandemic might affect 2020 taxes – but residents can get help

Are stimulus checks taxable? Top tax questions answered When it comes to paying federal and state taxes for a year dominated by the pandemic, Rossmoor residents are worried about their 2020 stimulus checks. Did they get them, and did they get more or less than they’re entitled to? And do they have to pay taxes on what they got? Gary A. Smith is a R...
Posted on February 23, 2021

Residents push for more solar panels

Dwight Stone says Rossmoor filled with opportunities The once and future Public Safety Power Shutoffs by PG& E during fire season, and the power-grid emergency last week in snowand ice-covered Texas, have shown Dwight Stone the power of power, and the value of having one’s own supply. To that end, in addition to installing solar panels on his m...
Posted on February 23, 2021