
Answering questions about COVID-19, vaccines, more

COVID-19 case levels are falling, vaccination rates are rising, and business activities are resuming. But while signs overall continue to point toward that long-awaited light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, they sometimes can seem flickering, conflicting and confusing. Here is a Q& A for residents to better understand what’s happening on the...
Posted on March 30, 2021

Mutual 65 schedules its annual meeting

Resident’s cartoon The 27th annual membership meeting of Mutual 65 (Devonshire) will be held Tuesday, April 20, at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. In addition to reports of the officers and committee members, three candidates will be seated on the board, each to serve a two-year term. Elected by acclamation of the membership were Tom Lenz, Richard “Dick” Walsh...
Posted on March 30, 2021

Rotary to hold food drive on April 17

With food insecurities still high in Walnut Creek, the city is launching a food drive as part of its Walnut Creek service day and in conjunction, Rossmoor Rotary Club will sponsor a community food drive inside the gates. The food drive will be held Saturday, April 17 from 8:30 a.m. until noon at Gateway. Nonperishable food and monetary donations wi...
Posted on March 30, 2021

Send tree portraits for special photo page

Sustainable Rossmoor invites all Rossmoor resident photographers, hikers, tree-huggers (and loggers too!) and smartphone camera folks to step into the great outdoors of the Rossmoor Valley and capture a beautiful portrait of a special tree to celebrate Earth Month. The portraits will be published on a special page on April 28. Ever walked, hiked or...
Posted on March 30, 2021


A May 17 article should have said The Waterford dining rooms will open when the county and Mutual 58 board approves. A headline on Page 15A of last week’s edition was incorrect. It should have read: “Mutual 68 to fill seats” A story on Page 15A of last week’s edition about GRF President Bob Kelso’s next townhall Q& A session incorrectly reporte...
Posted on March 30, 2021

Residents find new love during the pandemic – golf

First-time players fueling surge in popularity As public health officials desperately tried to curb the spread of COVID-19, restrictions limiting Rossmoor residents’ comings and goings hung like a pall over the retirement community, where the smorgasbord of recreational opportunities had vanished almost overnight. The swimming pools closed. The gym...
Posted on March 23, 2021

When it comes to trash, resident walks the walk

Jacklynn Roenspie says roadside trash has gotten worse For the past four years, Rossmoor resident Jacklynn Roenspie has noticed increasing amounts of trash along her roughly 1.25-mile walking route traversing Oakmont Drive, Pine Knoll Drive, Golden Rain Road and Tice Creek Drive. “The first time I see trash, I always kick myself for not bringing a ...
Posted on March 23, 2021

Links to community YouTube channels now on

Rossmoor has three YouTube channels with videos ranging from GRF Board meetings to information about alterations and landscaping and activities from the Recreation Department. Links to all three YouTube channels are now available on the website. Link: https://tinyurl. com/42e58y5a Click on the blue buttons found on this page to play th...
Posted on March 23, 2021