
Resident recalls Pearl Harbor and his service during World War 11

Rossmoor resident Harry Sherman was a 14-yearold living with his family on Oahu on the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, when he saw Japanese Zero warplanes flying overhead near Diamond Head. “I had just woke up,” he recalled. “I looked up at those planes and didn’t realize they were Japanese. I said, ‘They’re not our planes, what the hell are they?’” Sherm...
Posted on May 25, 2021

Fourth Mutual incumbents win new terms by acclamation

Fourth Mutual will hold its annual membership meeting on Thursday, Aug. 5, at 3 p.m. It is tentatively scheduled via Zoom. More information on the meeting will follow at a later date. Incumbents Carolee Perrich and Jeff Spires were the only candidates to come forward by May 14. They are elected by acclamation and will each be seated for a three-yea...
Posted on May 25, 2021

Security Reports

FROM SECURITAS The following are the major incidents reported to Securitas, Rossmoor’s security service provider. They appear here as they were initially reported to Securitas. After investigation, details of a case may indicate a lesser or different incident description. If the case warrants it, the News will do a follow-up story. Wednesday, May 1...
Posted on May 25, 2021


A May 19 front-page story about Mutuals exploring whether to work with a private equity firm to build solar power systems misspelled the name of Mark Fehlig, a resident of Second Mutual who watched a May 11 First Mutual board presentation on the subject.
Posted on May 25, 2021

Mutuals consider solar initiative

Proposal could provide solar for thousands of residents At least two Mutuals are considering a plan to explore partnering with a private equity firm to pay for and set up a system that could provide electric power to thousands of residences, at rates its proponents say would be cheaper, and greener, than PG& E. And one of the main advocates of ...
Posted on May 18, 2021

New GRF president urges kind, healthy dialogue

Newly installed GRF President Dwight Walker called on residents to be kind and respectful of each other and engage in healthy discourse. “Not everything is going to be agreed on,” he said. “We will tackle some thorny issues.” The comments came on May 10 during the first meeting of the newly reconstituted GRF Board, held immediately after the 57th a...
Posted on May 18, 2021

Planning Committee: Where will pickleball players park?

Where are players going to park after the Creekside pickleball courts more than double later this year? That’s what the three-member Planning Committee wanted to know after hearing an update on the capital projects, including the renovation and expansion of the three pickleball courts to seven. They are located at the northern end of the Creekside ...
Posted on May 18, 2021

California not ready yet to lift its mask mandate

CDC recommends changing rules for vaccinated California will wait until June 15 to adopt new recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that would allow fully vaccinated people to take off their masks indoors. The CDC guidance said masks are no longer needed indoors except in health care facilities, airplanes, public transp...
Posted on May 18, 2021

Drought declared – now what?

Adjustments so far have been subtle The East Bay Municipal Utility District’s recent declaration of a Stage One drought emergency hasn’t brought major changes to Rossmoor – the golf courses remain green and lush, and landscaping is still robust. There have been subtle adjustments, such as increased purchases of water from Oakland- based EBMUD, and ...
Posted on May 11, 2021