
Fitness Center rebuilds staff, starts classes

Reservations are no longer needed and the doors are open again for drop-ins, but residents will need to be patient as the Fitness Center moves into its post-pandemic life. Last year, trainers Julie Hughes and Dennis Shimoko left the Fitness Center, along with a part-time trainer. Those positions were not filled during the shutdown or gradual reopen...
Posted on June 15, 2021

Pickleball expansion cost could more than double

GRF Planning Committee The cost to improve and expand the Creekside pickleball courts has more than doubled from the $300,000 already approved. And, if a block of Rossmoor Parkway is reconfigured for on-street parking, the cost would nearly quadruple to $1.1 million. The Planning Committee wants the Finance Committee to Additional work will be need...
Posted on June 15, 2021

Understanding entry dumpsters and other heavy-disposal options

Entry dumpsters throughout Rossmoor have been misunderstood. All our lives we have been encouraged to not litter and to dispose of our trash in a proper receptacle – the trash can! Why then, can’t Rossmoor residents use the dumpsters in the trash enclosures for all their refuse needs? The simple answer is that the dumpsters in the trash enclosures ...
Posted on June 15, 2021


A caption in the June 9 News mislabeled who was in the photo. It should have read “Murphy and Steve Nieman, along with Amber, will be walking in the Sneakers and Paws Hospice East Bay fundraiser.” The June 2 letter headline “It’s time to represent women with trails’ names” indicated a solution that the letter itself did not propose. The letter writ...
Posted on June 15, 2021

Residents face uncertainty after fire, water damage manors

Golden Rain fire started in electrical box The residents of four co-op units off Golden Rain Road were displaced in a twoalarm blaze Thursday night that started in a residential electrical box, a fire official said. A resident of an adjoining unit at 2925 Golden Rain Road was taken to the hospital with complaints of breathing trouble but was back a...
Posted on June 8, 2021

Joy, trepidation and questions

Rossmoor to reopen with rest of state Residents have reacted with joy, trepidation and questions to plans to reopen Rossmoor on Tuesday, June 15, along with the rest of the state. If things work out, Rossmoor will go from being a ghost town back to the bustling community it was 14 months ago when everything shut down due to the global pandemic. “Ou...
Posted on June 8, 2021

Workshop will discuss long-range facilities plan

Interested in what the future of Rossmoor’s facilities will look like? Residents are invited to a community workshop for Rossmoor’s Long-Range Capital Improvement Plan on Tuesday, June 15, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Event Center. Attendance will be limited to 80 participants. The GRF has partnered with a team led by ELS Architecture and Urban Design t...
Posted on June 8, 2021

LGBT Alliance fundraiser at half-way mark

The Rossmoor LGBT Alliance Pride Fundraiser kicked off in mid-May, with a goal of raising at least $10,000 to benefit three local agencies addressing food insecurity and other needs in the county. The agencies are the Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano, Assistance League of Diablo Valley and the Rainbow Community Center’s Senior Food Program. O...
Posted on June 8, 2021