
All hands respond to Rockledge grass fire

A massive firefighting effort was launched after a hillside behind Rockledge Lane, Entry 8, caught fire June 19 at about 8:20 a.m. The fire burned about one acre and was very visible in Rossmoor. Residents received periodic Nixle alerts about the status of firefighting efforts. The fire started about halfway up a steep, weed-covered hillside and sp...
Posted on June 29, 2021

Where? How much? Wastewater treatment plant comes into focus

Consultants detail plan for Board After learning that the best place in Rossmoor for a $10 million, 3,000-squarefoot water reclamation plant is at the gateway to the community, GRF Board members had questions about location, cost and odor. This first in-person meeting of the GRF Board in 15 months on June 24 brought smiles from directors, but it wa...
Posted on June 29, 2021

Ways to stay safe with workers in home

The recent reopening guidelines that allow fully vaccinated Californians to drop their masks while indoors has been met with reservations by some residents who are still concerned about COVID-19. In particular, several residents have asked if they can require a repair or general contractor to wear a mask when entering their home. State health offic...
Posted on June 29, 2021

Changing of the guard in Mutual Board Office

The dominoes are all fal l ing in place for Ro s smo o r Mut u a l Board Services Coordinator Kelly Maki. She will leave behind the San Francisco Bay Area and its 7.1 million people to move to a log cabin on eight acres in the woods in the Medford, Oregon, metropolitan area, population 208,545. Her last day on the job is June 30. “It’s for a better...
Posted on June 22, 2021

Christine Conti digs into Mutual business

In her first six days on the job, Christine Conti attended board meetings for five Mutuals. That’s in addition to handling requests from directors and other residents. Conti started her job as a Mutual boards services coordinator on June 1. She brings to Rossmoor years of property management work with homeowner associations (HOAs). She’s also been ...
Posted on June 22, 2021

GRF going hybrid for Board meetings

GRF Board of Directors and its committee meetings return to in-person at their scheduled locations. The decision to resume in-person meetings was made after California reopened businesses and dropped many COVID-related restrictions on June 15. Because attendance was high during the pandemic for the Board meetings on Zoom, the directors have decided...
Posted on June 22, 2021

Charting Rossmoor’s future

Residents’ input to help with master plan More places to walk and bike, more dining options, food truck nights, more things for the grandkids to do, better parking and perhaps even Rossmoor’s own “town square.” These were some of the most oft-mentioned wish-list items at a June 15 community workshop at the Event Center. The workshop, which drew abo...
Posted on June 22, 2021

Reversing the tide for reverse mortgages

Kathy Anderson would l i ke to ma ke some changes to her First Mutual manor. “It would be nice to remodel my bathroom, do some work in the kitchen,” Anderson said. “But I can’t afford it. “If I had extra (money), I could do a lot more, and that would bring the value of my manor up,” she added. Anderson would like to take out a reverse mortgage loan...
Posted on June 22, 2021

Plans are for the results ….

Plans are for the results of that survey, along with information gathered from the June 15 workshops and three earlier smaller focus groups, to be brought to the July 8 GRF Planning Committee meeting for the committee’s input. Ultimately, Masenten said, the goal is to have a draft 10-year improvement and funding plan ready sometime in October. Dwig...
Posted on June 22, 2021

Pandemic casualty: Kairi’s Kitchen won’t reopen in Redwood Room

Kairi’s Kitchen will not be reopening its dining service inside the Redwood Room at Gateway, but fans of chef Michael Parham can still look forward to his offerings at special events. In a June 5 letter to GRF officials, Parham said Kairi’s Kitchen would not return to operate or manage the Redwood Room Café, which has been closed since the pandemic...
Posted on June 15, 2021