
Bank of America removes ATMs as branch finishes shutting down

Nearest bank machines now downtown Imagine Jerry Priebat’s surprise when early last week he went to use Bank of America’s nearby ATMs – and they were gone. And so were all the signs that a bank had ever been located at the corner of Rossmoor Parkway and Tice Valley Boulevard. “Yesterday, I went to make a deposit at the ATMs, and they were gone and ...
Posted on August 10, 2021

Security Reports

FROM SECURITAS The following are the major incidents reported to Securitas, Rossmoor’s security service provider. They appear here as they were initially reported to Securitas. After investigation, details of a case may indicate a lesser or different incident description. If the case warrants it, the News will do a follow-up story. Wednesday, July ...
Posted on August 10, 2021

Masks required indoors again for everyone

Also answering residents’ frequently asked questions With the delta variant causing a rise in COVID-19 cases, the Bay Area counties imposed a new mask mandate for all public indoor settings – for everyone, regardless of vaccination status. The indoor mask mandate applies to all indoor Rossmoor facilities. Contra Costa Health Services Director Dr. C...
Posted on August 3, 2021

Dollar still in mix for pickleball

GRF Board approves study for picnic area Apickleball complex at the Dollar picnic area remains an option for the GRF Board, although resident feedback and GRF directors’ questions indicate the project is far from decided. On a 6-3 vote, the Board at Thursday’s meeting approved $50,000 for a feasibility design and engineering report at Dollar, which...
Posted on August 3, 2021

Public Safety manager lays out multifaceted, beefed-up security plan

Security measures are being beefed up in the wake of a recent crime spree in Rossmoor. Last month, there were dozens of reports about catalytic converter thefts, siphoned gas, items stolen from inside vehicles, mail strewn around, and even a GRF truck stolen from a Gateway parking lot. “It’s as if we don’t have security,” said Lelia Tokuyama of Ter...
Posted on August 3, 2021

Red Cross: Blood donations urgently needed

The American Red Cross is sounding the alarm about a severe blood shortage and urging the public to make an appointment to give now. In a July 27 news release, the Red Cross said it needs to collect more than 1,000 additional blood donations each day to meet current hospital demand and erase the shortage. It has been distributing about 12% more blo...
Posted on August 3, 2021

to Dollar likely wouldn’t save ….

to Dollar likely wouldn’t save money, the new location could add social gathering space, easier access to restrooms and more parking. Residents living along Dollar Ranch Golf Course were quick to point out the disadvantages of the area near Dollar Clubhouse during the Residents’ Forum. “I use the pool three times a week,” said resident Shirla Klenk...
Posted on August 3, 2021

Grace Presbyterian could host‘micro-home’ village for homeless

Church collaborating on plan for 6 to 8 tiny homes Achurch near Rossmoor is proposing to put six “micro homes” on an unused portion of its parking lot, a concept that has elicited reactions ranging from solid support to vociferous objection. None of it surprises the Rev. Mark Burnham, whose Grace Presbyterian Church was part of a presentation to th...
Posted on July 27, 2021

Ceramic artists work outdoors while studio being remodeled

Phase 1 of renovations now underway Since the coronavirus disrupted everyone’s lives some 17 months ago, Rossmoor residents have been making lemonade out of lemons. So, it should come as no surprise that when the Gateway Ceramics Studio shut down in mid-June for perhaps six months of renovation, Ceramic Arts Club (CAC) members decided to create an ...
Posted on July 27, 2021

Recommendation now – requirement soon?

Health officers recommend wearing masks indoors With COVID-19 case numbers and rates rising locally as the highly transmissible delta variant spreads, Bay Area health officials on July 16 recommended that everyone wear masks in public indoor spaces to ensure easy verification that all unvaccinated people are masked in those settings. And on July 22...
Posted on July 27, 2021