GRF mandates weekly testing for unvaccinated employees

All unvaccinated GRF employees will need to provide results from a weekly COVID-19 test starting Monday, Sept. 27. The new mandate applies to all full-, part-time and on-call employees who are not fully vaccinated. CEO Tim O’Keefe announced the requirement in a memo to staff last week. In it, he wrote, “The virulence of this continuing pandemic and...
Posted on September 14, 2021

Cameras provide a new tool to protect Rossmoor from wildfires

Rossmoor has a new tool in the effort to protect residents from wildfire: cameras. Thanks to the Lafayette Police Department, two cameras focused on the fireprone wilderness areas surrounding Rossmoor are now in operation: one at Lucas and Stanley Dollar drives and another installed Thursday on Terra Granada Drive. GRF Public Safety Manager Tom Cas...
Posted on September 14, 2021

Farmers Market vendor working to get wife out of Afghanistan

Rossmoor residents can say hello to Mohammad Samim Karimi on most Friday mornings, manning a booth where he sells hummus. One recent Friday, he was jovial, chatting up the market regulars who stopped by, some of whom walked away with small tubs of Hummus Heav-en, or cellophane bags of flatbread. “The people here are nice, friendly, and I like comin...
Posted on September 14, 2021

Out with old, in with new at Rossmoor Shopping Center

Can you picture a rooftop restaurant and cocktail lounge in the Rossmoor Shopping Center? The owner can. Terrence Tallen can visualize just that in the second phase of the center’s gradual rebirth, which started in 2016. The old 1960s feel of the Rossmoor Shopping Center is almost gone as its makeover continues. The 55-year-old center has been repu...
Posted on September 14, 2021

Hospice Tree of Lights ceremony set for Nov. 4

Hospice East Bay and Friends of Hospice Rossmoor are excited to announce the 35 th annual Tree of Lights ceremony, which will be held at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, at the Creekside Clubhouse. This ceremony is always a special time for Rossmoor residents as they honor the lives of fellow club members, friends, family, pets and loved ones. Names are...
Posted on September 14, 2021

Trash Talk to host Second Mutual volunteer

The Trash Talk Committee of Sustainable Rossmoor on Wednesday, Sept. 15, will host Kathleen Epperson, the leader and inspiration for a large team of volunteers in Second Mutual who are currently working together to improve recycling and composting habits in 44 of the Mutual’s 82 enclosures. A few will share their success stories. The meeting will b...
Posted on September 14, 2021

Food trucks visit Gateway

The Recreation Department is sponsoring a weekly food truck on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Gateway parking lot. The trial program, which began this month, is intended to provide residents with a lunch option now that Kairi’s Kitchen has closed in the Redwood Room. Each week will feature a new food truck. The remaining lineup includes: • ...
Posted on September 14, 2021

Tax-Aide seeks volunteers

AARP Tax-Aide is looking for volunteers to become members of a team providing free tax preparation for individuals of all ages residing in Contra Costa County. Tax-Aide volunteer positions include tax counselors who are trained by Tax-Aide and certified by IRS, and client facilitators, who schedule appointments and assist clients at tax sites. Orie...
Posted on September 14, 2021

GRF truck crashes into garage and tree on Rossmoor Parkway

A Rossmoor Parkway Entry 5 garage was badly damaged on Monday, Aug. 30, when a GRF employee said he lost control of his work truck, hit a curb and careened down an embankment, running into a tree alongside building 3377. The accident sheared the tree in half and caused structural damage to the left corner of the garage. The driver received minor Em...
Posted on September 7, 2021

Actually asleep at the gate? Securitas checks up on staff, shores up security

It’s a story that’s been told around Rossmoor for decades. Bad guys easily sneak past indifferent security guards and make off with Rossmoor residents’ cars, jewelry, mail and other valuables – even the catalytic converters beneath their cars. Rossmoor Public Safety Manager Tom Cashion hears it all the time. “Since I took over (in April), I’ve hear...
Posted on September 7, 2021