Computer Club helps residents get vaccine card onto smartphones

The Computer Club of Rossmoor has posted a video on its website that provides instructions for putting an image of a vaccine card onto a smartphone. All Rossmoor residents may access the video by going to the Computer Club’s website. The link: Membership in the club is not required to view the video. The Computer Club has received a...
Posted on September 28, 2021

Rotary holding drive for food, gently used coats

The Rossmoor Rotary Club will support Walnut Creek service day for the second straight year by holding a food drive and coat drive on Saturday, Oct. 9, from 8:30 a.m. until noon at Gateway Clubhouse. Nonperishable food and monetary donations will be collected. Food in glass containers is not accepted. The most needed food includes natural peanut bu...
Posted on September 28, 2021

PG&E is conducting inspections in Rossmoor

PG& E will be conducting safety inspections in Rossmoor in the coming weeks, the company announced last Wednesday. The work is part of PG& E’s ongoing wildfire safety effort. PG& E will be inspecting electric towers and poles during daylight hours. Trucks, helicopters and drones will be working throughout Rossmoor. Helicopters and drone...
Posted on September 28, 2021

GRF Board, committee take steps to limit 2022 coupon increase

Golf among areas projecting higher revenue The GRF Board and Finance Committee used surplus funds to decrease a proposed 7.88% hike in the GRF portion of the coupon for 2022 – but it balked at the idea of reducing the coupon two years in a row. The Board and committee members compromised and recommended a 5.99% increase instead, following two long ...
Posted on September 21, 2021

On the menu – are more food trucks coming to Rossmoor?

Roxane and Harry Laiolo came away from the Ofie’s Kitchen food truck on Sept. 14 with a bag full of goodies – a Works Burger, a cheesesteak sandwich and an order of fries – and a side of smiles. “This is way overdue, if you want to know the truth,” said Roxane Laiolo, who as a Rossmoor resident is happy to see more food options in her community. “Y...
Posted on September 21, 2021

Transportation manager by day, rock guitarist by night: Meet Jerrol Reavis

Weekdays, Jerrol Reavis is GRF’s new operations manager. Weekends, he’s a rock star. The Bay Area native is the founder and lead guitarist of Majestic – San Francisco’s Ultimate Tribute to Journey. The five-person rock group has performed at such places as Bimbo’s 365 Club and Slim’s in San Francisco; Harrah’s in Atlantic City; and The Nugget Casin...
Posted on September 21, 2021

Security Reports

FROM SECURITAS The following are the major incidents reported to Securitas, Rossmoor’s security service provider. They appear here as they were initially reported to Securitas. After investigation, details of a case may indicate a lesser or different incident description. If the case warrants it, the News will do a follow-up story. Thursday, Sept. ...
Posted on September 21, 2021

Pools close additional days

From News staff The outdoor pools will close an additional two days because of the continued issues with lifeguard shortages. Hillside Pool will close on Saturdays and Dollar Pool on Sundays under the new closures, starting Saturday, Sept. 25. In late August, Hillside began closing on Tuesdays and Fridays and Dollar on Mondays and Wednesdays becaus...
Posted on September 21, 2021

Redwood Room closes at 10 p.m.

The Redwood Room in the Gateway Clubhouse is now open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, including holidays, for residents and their guests. The room has begun closing 90 minutes early in order to give night staff flexibility with closing and to clear the lobby of traffic. The room will stay open later for rentals only. Custodial Supervisor Avi Singh said an...
Posted on September 21, 2021