COVID still upending residents’ travel plans

That Mediterranean cruise will have to wait. And traveling to Italy is going to remain a pipe dream for the foreseeable future. Even as Rossmoor begins offering group trips again, the seemingly never-ending pandemic continues putting the kibosh on some of those plans. “I never in my wildest dreams imagined that we would not have an opportunity to t...
Posted on January 18, 2022

See traffic violations? Why calling WCPD is best

Traffic safety Several residents have reported issues with the driver of a white truck who has been seen speeding, running stop signs and swerving into lanes of traffic in Rossmoor. Many of them have filed reports with Walnut Creek Police. A few have wondered why more can’t be done to stop the repeat offender, especially considering that Rossmoor i...
Posted on January 18, 2022

GRF News

Committee recommends petition change messaging,” he explained. “My concern is, where are we drawing the line. How many demonstrations are allowed by individuals along Rossmoor Parkway and Golden Rain Road? How long do we allow this go to on? I agree with Valerie that perhaps we need to tighten this up, because we can’t be sure how this might mushro...
Posted on January 18, 2022


A Dec. 29 article listed Walnut Creek City Councilmember Cindy Darling as the council’s liaison in Rossmoor. The liaison is actually Vice Mayor Cindy Silva.
Posted on January 18, 2022

Upcoming GRF meeting information available online

Information about the upcoming GRF Board and Committee meetings can be found on the Rossmoor.com website. The time, date, location and Zoom link – if the meeting has a virtual option – can be found under For Residents in the top menu bar by clicking on GRF Board and Committee Meetings. Or go directly to https:// tinyurl.com/grf-meetings This web pa...
Posted on January 18, 2022

GRF Meetings

BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Due to variant concerns and a county-mandated indoor mask policy, GRF Board and committee meetings are back on Zoom temporarily. Residents can join online as attendees. They may also listen to the meetings on their phones by dialing one of the following numbers and entering the Webinar ID on a prompt. The following...
Posted on January 18, 2022

Rossmoor facilities close again

GRF Board shuts down indoor activities Rossmoor’s indoor facilities have closed down again in response to COVID’s highly transmissible omicron variant. In an emergency executive session Friday, the GRF Board unanimously decided after more than two hours of discussion to shut down indoor facilities through the end of the month in hopes of containing...
Posted on January 11, 2022

How residents can pay their coupon automatically

There is an easy and efficient method for residents to pay their monthly coupon through Automated Clearing House or ACH. ACH is an electronic payment method transacted between financial institutions. ACH payments go through a clearinghouse that enforces rules and regulations while keeping account numbers confidential. Because of this, ACH payments ...
Posted on January 11, 2022

Troubles wrought by national coin shortage extend to Rossmoor laundry rooms

Patricia Teschner asked her Walnut Creek bank two weeks ago if it had any quarters she could buy – preferably four rolls. She asked again one week ago. No, and no. “They said there is a coin shortage, and that they didn’t have them,” said Teschner, a First Mutual resident who uses the coin washing machines and dryers closest to her home. “The marke...
Posted on January 11, 2022