SNAKE: Vehicle

Vehicle Many online sources say it’s common for snakes to seek a spot in a car’s engine compartment. The cold-blooded reptiles usually seek heat, and car engines generate plenty of that. Also, under the hood of a car can offer some measure of protection from predators. A snake finding its way into the passenger cabin is far less common, those sourc...
Posted on July 16, 2024

For a Readier Rossmoor

Rossmoor EPO Tip: For residents who cannot self-evacuate, the only time someone can come to evacuate them out of Rossmoor is before and during the official evacua-tion warning for their evacuation zone, which usually lasts only four hours. Rossmoor EPO cautions all residents to call or contact their family member, friend or neighbor to help them ev...
Posted on July 16, 2024


The photo on page 1A in the July 10 issue of the Rossmoor News showed pickleball players on the tennis courts. These players were on the courts for a sound study as part of the process for determining a site for new pickleball courts in Rossmoor. The website address on Page 3A of the July 10 News to sign up for the Contra Costa Community Warning Sy...
Posted on July 16, 2024

Security Reports

FROM SECURITAS The following are the major incidents reported to Securitas, Rossmoor’s security service provider. They appear here as they were initially reported to Securitas. After investigation, details of a case may indicate a lesser or different incident description. If the case warrants it, the News will do a follow-up story. Wednesday, July ...
Posted on July 16, 2024

Republican Club to hold Meet and Greet on Aug. 4

Club members to share snacks, ideas The Rossmoor Republican Club invites all like-minded people to their monthly Meet and Greet, which will be held on Sunday, Aug. 4, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Oak Room in Gateway Clubhouse. Attendees are invited to bring something to share, such as an appetizer or snack. Beverages are provided. Monthly Meet and Greet...
Posted on July 16, 2024

ALERT: Opt-in system has limited reach

past president of Rossmoor Emergency Preparedness Organization (EPO), described her reaction to the report. Gibson has worked in emergency preparedness for 25 years. “In that time, I have never heard of an alert system in this bad of shape,” she said. CWS is the only warning system in this county with access to the nation’s mass notification databa...
Posted on July 9, 2024

RODENTS: Booming population takes toll on golf and gardens

And depending on the species of animal and the type of plants, these critters can cause mayhem in a garden – which is why the Garden Club hired what Bentley referred to as a “gopher wrangler.” Garden Club President Barbara Wightman said the problem was serious enough this year that the club in April hired Got Gophers, a San Jose-based business, to ...
Posted on July 2, 2024