
Resident honored for 10 years of volunteer work with Youth Homes

Edith Henchey receives Threads of Hope award Edith “Edie” Henchey had just moved to Rossmoor from Kentucky and wanted to meet people so she decided to become a volunteer. “I didn’t know anybody and wanted to help kids and animals,” she said. She took a look at the five pages of listings for some 250 organizations in Rossmoor. She went to the end of...
Posted on December 17, 2019

All welcome at holiday lunch on Dec. 25

Recreation and Counseling Depts. sponsoring Residents, and their guests, who don’t have plans for Christmas are invited to a Christmas Day lunch in the Fireside Room. It’s the second year in a row that Recreation and Counseling Services have hosted the festivities. “The holidays are often wrought with emotions for many reasons,” said Counseling Ser...
Posted on December 17, 2019

Early News deadlines

The News will have early deadlines for the Dec. 25 issue because of the Christmas holiday. All articles for that issue are due no later than Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 3 p.m. All ads, obits and letters to the editor are due no later than Thursday, Dec. 19, at 9 a.m. No extended deadlines can be granted. The News office and all Golden Rain Foundation of...
Posted on December 17, 2019

Busses will run limited Dial-a-Bus for holidays

Rossmoor busses will operate on a holiday schedule around the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. On Tuesday, Dec. 24, the regular Dial-A-Bus service will be in place for Christmas Eve. Call at least one hour in advance to schedule a ride. On Wednesday, Dec. 25, limited Dial-A-Bus service is available between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Downtown Walnut Creek ...
Posted on December 17, 2019

GRF Board questions why fire rebuild will take almost two years

Staff writer Skeptical GRF Board members learned at last Thursday’s meeting that it really will take just under two years to make livable the four Leisure Lane manors damaged in a fatal fire on Nov. 23. The upstairs unit where the fire started was a total loss, and although the three adjacent units received less damage, they are uninhabitable. Boar...
Posted on December 10, 2019

Feral pigs tearing up lawns in Rossmoor

Feral pigs have joined the ranks of deer, turkeys, geese, squirrels, mountain lions and other wildlife that roam Rossmoor. But these new visitors – which can weigh over 200 pounds – aren’t quite as cute as the does and ducks. And they’re making a heck of a mess in many residents’ yards as they root around for bugs and grubs in the grass, leaving gr...
Posted on December 10, 2019

Policy Committee looking at possible ban on smoking

The Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) can prohibit smoking in its parks, but should it? That thorny issue was tackled by the Policy Committee on Dec. 3. After learning that Walnut Creek’s secondhand smoke ordinance gives GRF the say so, three committee members concluded that it would be difficult to enforce a smoking ban. The committee is made up of GRF...
Posted on December 10, 2019

Scenes Around Rossmoor

Sustainable Rossmoor reviewing members’ clues Sustainable Rossmoor encourages its members to renew their membership for 2020. Membership is $20. Residents who are interested in promoting solar power, water and energy conservation, recycling and other efforts to improve sustainability in Rossmoor and beyond are welcome to join. The club meets on the...
Posted on December 10, 2019

Mutual 28 looking for candidates

An election will be held for one director for the Mutual 28 board. This position is a threeyear term. The incumbent, Jon Rasmussen, has decided not to run for another term. Any other Mutual member who is interested in running for a place on the board should contact the assistant secretary in the Mutual Board Office by Jan. 13 with a written candida...
Posted on December 10, 2019

Fire displaces five residents for ‘quite a while’

Pets rescued, neighbors remember resident who died Adeadly fire at 1201 Leisure Lane on Nov. 23 claimed the life of a 101-year-old man and displaced five residents living in three adjoining manors. “The residents in the other manors were uninjured; they all got out, including their pets,” said Director of Mutual Operations Paul Donner. He said the ...
Posted on December 3, 2019