Thefts and auto accidents decline in 2019

Public Safety Report Thefts, suspicious circumstances and calls about animals went down drastically in 2019 compared to the previous two years, according to the 2017 to 2019 Public Safety statistics, which track incidents in Rossmoor that are reported to Securitas. There were 77 reported thefts last year, compared to 114 in 2018 and 96 in 2017. Pub...
Posted on January 21, 2020

Mutual 29 seeks board candidates for two seats

The Board of Directors of Mutual No. 29 will hold their annual Meeting of the Members on Monday, March 16, at 9:30 a.m. in the Vista Room at the Hillside Clubhouse. There are two open board positions in this year’s election, each for a three-year term. Directors Barbara Crane and Mike McLaughlin currently hold these positions. Crane has met her ter...
Posted on January 21, 2020

Fitness Center to stay quiet

Advisory Committee says no to piped-in music After several months of surveys and debate, it’s official – there will be no piped-in music at the Tice Creek Fitness Center. Despite the fact that there was no clear mandate from those who use the facility, the Fitness Center Advisory Committee decided to continue its ban on playing background music. Wa...
Posted on January 14, 2020

Peggy Spear joins News as assistant managing editor

Peggy Spear has joined the staff of the Rossmoor News as assistant managing editor. She’ll be the right hand to Managing Editor Ann Peterson, who joined the newspaper in late 2018. “I’m thrilled to be here; I’ve wanted to write about Rossmoor for years,” said Spear, who traces her journalism roots to working at the Daily Californian when she was an...
Posted on January 14, 2020

Lions Park closer to a non-smoking ban

In what may turn into an explosive issue, smokers, vapors and others lighting up at Lions Park will face potentially harsh penalties if the GRF Board agrees to a ban unanimously recommended by the Policy Committee on Jan. 7. Extreme fire danger at that windy park proved to be the deciding factor that pushed the committee to ultimately vote to send ...
Posted on January 14, 2020

Rossmoor cyclist injured in hit-and-run

ARossmoor resident suffered bruises, scrapes, torn clothes and damage to his bicycle when a hit-and-run motorist knocked him off his bike at the intersection of Rossmoor Parkway and Tice Valley Boulevard on Jan. 6, about 11:35 a.m. “I was really shaken,” said Leif Nielsen, 71. “I’ve been having headaches, so I think I might have a concussion. It’s ...
Posted on January 14, 2020

Residents share their dissatisfaction with Rossmoor Safeway

Rossmoor residents Jane Sprouse and Denise Mauldin sat down Jan. 6 with Safeway’s Northern California customer service manager, Michael Morreira- Evans, to discuss conditions at Rossmoor Safeway. The meeting was arranged after Sprouse contacted Safeway’s CEO regarding complaints about the supermarket. Prior to the meeting, Sprouse put a notice in t...
Posted on January 14, 2020

No more feral pig sightings in Rossmoor; repairs underway

Feral swine, which ravaged some residents’ lawns on Horsemans Canyon in December, have apparently moved on to greener pastures – namely Lafayette Community Park, as well as a Lafayette elementary school soccer field. As Horsemans Canyon residents know only too well, wild pigs are not delicate eaters, leaving great mounds of dug-up turf in their wak...
Posted on January 7, 2020

Group helps reunite residents with their pets during disaster

Emergency Preparedness A small group of residents is working behind the scenes to help make sure there’s a disaster plan for your pets. With help from members of the Rossmoor Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and guidelines from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), they’ve developed a plan to reunite people separated from their pe...
Posted on January 7, 2020

Residents donate record food, money in food drive

Rossmoor residents donated a record amount of food and money during the annual holiday drive for the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano. The month-long effort, which started at the end of November, brought in 6,429 pounds of food and $20,096 in monetary contributions. “I’m tickled pink,” said Eleanore McGrath who headed the drive, sponsored annua...
Posted on January 7, 2020