
An article in the Jan. 22 issue about public safety had the wrong number of cars entering through the gate in 2019. The correct number is 3.5 million.
Posted on February 4, 2020

Projects are jumping ship: Seven seeking to leave Third Mutual

Following the lead of Project 39 leaving Third Mutual, seven other projects are preparing to do the same. And, more could follow. Ballots could be in homeowners’ hands within two months, according to estimates by disengagement leaders. One year after incorporation, Mutual 39 board members agree it was a good decision. “I think it was a wise thing f...
Posted on January 28, 2020

Unique program offers assistance with many tasks

Volunteer Exchange helping each other Is it better to give or to receive? Well, the nice thing about Rossmoor Volunteer Exchange is that it lets members do both. Eric Mauer joined Rossmoor Volunteer Exchange when he and his wife Inna moved to Rossmoor three years ago. “I was attracted to the idea of giving service to people,” said Mauer, 74, a teac...
Posted on January 28, 2020

Popular DriverTek workshop returns to Rossmoor next month

The popular Smart DriverTek workshop returns to Rossmoor on Thursday, Feb. 13. With cars becoming more technologically advanced every day, safety technology continues to grow in today’s cars. However, many drivers are not familiar with how to use that technology to keep them safe. The Smart DriverTek workshop provides drivers with the necessary too...
Posted on January 28, 2020

There’s still time to change your Medicare health plan

If a Medicare Advantage plan isn’t meeting a senior’s needs, don’t worry. They still have time to switch to another Medicare Advantage plan or return to Original Medicare. Between Jan. 1 and March 31 each year, seniors can make the following changes during the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period: • If they’re in a Medicare Advantage plan (wit...
Posted on January 28, 2020

LasTrampas closes for renovations

Room transitioning into Performing Arts Studio As part of the transformation of Hillside’s Las Trampas Room into the Performing Arts Studio, that room, as well as the Vista, will be closed for more than a month for improvements. Construction is scheduled to start at the end of this month and continue through the beginning of March, said Resident Se...
Posted on January 21, 2020

Rossmoor residents come to aid of Lafayette shop owner

When Minoo Montlagh’s Vogue Cleaners and Alterations shop in Lafayette was robbed just a few days before Christmas, her neighbors on Mt. Diablo Boulevard decided to restore a little holiday spirit. Tom and Rosylyn Stenzel, who own Venture Quality Goods clothing store down the street from Montlagh, sent out an “email blast” to all their customers, a...
Posted on January 21, 2020

Residents seek ways to stem scams

Packed room attends Senior Scams Stopper Your phone rings in the middle of the night. That’s startling enough, but on the other end of the line is your grandson “Timmy.” It seems Tim and some friends from college got in a little trouble in Cabo over spring break, and he needed you to wire him some money for bail. “Please don’t tell my parents,” he ...
Posted on January 21, 2020