
Transportation website, services roll out changes

Rossmoor Transportation Department has made some changes and upgrades to its website and transport services. “The website has been updated and is now much more user-friendly,” said Ralph Dennis, Rossmoor’s fleet compliance manager. Residents can access the information at, click on “For Residents” and then “Transportation.” Dial-A-B...
Posted on March 17, 2020

Because of early press deadlines, ….

Because of early press deadlines, most of the Rossmoor News was already at the printer when the GRF and some Rossmoor clubs and organizations began canceling events as advised by health officials. To try to provide residents with the most up-to-date
Posted on March 10, 2020

Shopping Center nears completion

New access ramps are built for Safeway The major construction work at the Rossmoor Shopping Center is nearing its completion. Last week, work wrapped up around the Safeway store and now only the new bus shelter remains to be finished, said shopping center owner Terrence Tallen of Tallen Capital Partners, LLC. The Safeway remodel work includes enhan...
Posted on March 3, 2020

Tree pickups end Friday

Residents have two more chances to dispose of their natural Christmas trees for composting. By no later than Friday, Jan. 10, residents can leave their trees at the curb or near trash enclosures – but not inside the enclosure – and the landscape crews will pick them up, said Mary Ann Gannon-McCooey, landscape coordinator. Residents are reminded tha...
Posted on January 7, 2020

Holidays could delay delivery of the News

The next two issues of the Rossmoor News fall on holidays, so the Dec. 25 and Jan. 1 newspapers may not be delivered as scheduled on Wednesday. Because of the holidays, the news carriers have the option to deliver the Dec. 25 newspaper on either Christmas Day or Thursday, Dec. 26. Likewise, the New Year’s Day paper might arrive instead on Thursday,...
Posted on December 17, 2019

Rossmoor phone book delivery starting

The Rossmoor phone directory delivery will start tomorrow and continue through Jan. 6. Rossmoor News carriers are delivering the book. The phone directory is published by American Directory Company, which is responsible for its content. It is not printed by the Golden Rain Foundation. Rossmoor only delivers the books for the company. After Jan. 6, ...
Posted on December 10, 2019

Flu clinic on Oct. 14 cancelled

The Kaiser flu clinic that was scheduled for Monday, Oct. 14, in the Fireside Room at Gateway has been cancelled. “Kaiser Permanente is unfortunately unable to offer the previously-announced flu clinic at Rossmoor on Oct. 14,” said Jonathan Blair, a spokesperson for Kaiser. “There is a free Rossmoor daily shuttle to Kaiser’s Walnut Creek Medical Ce...
Posted on October 8, 2019

GRF budget meeting to be held on one day

The next mid-month meeting of the GRF Board will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 10. The Board and Finance Committee usually spend two days discussing the next year’s budget at the September midmonth meeting. This year’s meeting has been rescheduled to last only one day, said GRF CFO Rick Chakoff. The meeting starts at 9 a.m. and will be held in the Fire...
Posted on September 3, 2019