
Securitas taps new site manager

Bertolozzi wants residents to feel safe The new site manager for Rossmoor’s security service provider, Securitas, said his No. 1 goal is to make residents feel safe. “My main job is to make sure that the people living in Rossmoor feel safe and that they get the customer service Rossmoor has grown to know and respect,” Steve Bertolozzi said. He star...
Posted on August 17, 2021

Planning Committee reviews wish list

Facilities masterplan offers sweeping ideas Rossmoor’s 9,500-plus residents were asked to dream big – and they did. Their wish list was discussed at the GRF Planning Committee last Thursday and includes some components that could bring some major changes to the look and feel of Rossmoor. The committee of four GRF directors makes recommendations to ...
Posted on August 17, 2021

Finance task force mulls options f or leftover money

Refunds to Rossmoor’s Mutuals and some degree of reduction in the coupon should get the lion’s share of an estimated $3.77 million GRF budget surplus, according to a GRF Board financial task force. That task force voted 5-0 on Thursday, Aug. 12 to formally recommend those actions to the GRF Finance Committee, which will in turn pass on its own reco...
Posted on August 17, 2021

They’re back: How are residents handling new mask order?

It was a lovely, albeit warm, Tuesday when about a dozen people found the cool of dimly lit Peacock Hall for a 1 p.m. showing of “Training Day,” starring Denzel Washington. All of them were wearing face masks, in accordance with a new county health order issued in response to the growing spread of the delta variant of COVID-19. A week earlier, they...
Posted on August 10, 2021

Residents’ paintings go missing from Gateway

A number of paintings by residents went missing during the reopening of Gateway Clubhouse. Among the paintings that disappeared were some noted as “NFS,” meaning they were not for sale because of the emotional investment artists had in them, said John Hopper, president of the Rossmoor Art Association (RAA). “The paintings missing are very treasured...
Posted on August 10, 2021

Gathering outdoors? Rossmoor offers ample picnic areas, patios

All available by reservation, and most of them are free With a county indoor mask mandate back in place and the dog days of summer behind us, residents can find a welcome respite for social gatherings in the picnic areas and outdoor patios in Rossmoor. Many residents are familiar with Sportsmen’s Park and the Dollar picnic area, but those are just ...
Posted on August 10, 2021

94-year-old Niners enjoy life on the links

Barbara May and Dee Reichert, at 94 the oldest members of the Women’s Nine Hole Golf Club, had a rare chance to tee off together last week during the Niners’ Tournament of Champions. May still plays four days a week and walks all nine holes at Creekside Golf Course with a pull cart on three of them. “I’m sure one of these days I’ll say I can’t do t...
Posted on August 10, 2021

Masks required indoors again for everyone

Also answering residents’ frequently asked questions With the delta variant causing a rise in COVID-19 cases, the Bay Area counties imposed a new mask mandate for all public indoor settings – for everyone, regardless of vaccination status. The indoor mask mandate applies to all indoor Rossmoor facilities. Contra Costa Health Services Director Dr. C...
Posted on August 3, 2021

Dollar still in mix for pickleball

GRF Board approves study for picnic area Apickleball complex at the Dollar picnic area remains an option for the GRF Board, although resident feedback and GRF directors’ questions indicate the project is far from decided. On a 6-3 vote, the Board at Thursday’s meeting approved $50,000 for a feasibility design and engineering report at Dollar, which...
Posted on August 3, 2021

Public Safety manager lays out multifaceted, beefed-up security plan

Security measures are being beefed up in the wake of a recent crime spree in Rossmoor. Last month, there were dozens of reports about catalytic converter thefts, siphoned gas, items stolen from inside vehicles, mail strewn around, and even a GRF truck stolen from a Gateway parking lot. “It’s as if we don’t have security,” said Lelia Tokuyama of Ter...
Posted on August 3, 2021