
GRF truck crashes into garage and tree on Rossmoor Parkway

A Rossmoor Parkway Entry 5 garage was badly damaged on Monday, Aug. 30, when a GRF employee said he lost control of his work truck, hit a curb and careened down an embankment, running into a tree alongside building 3377. The accident sheared the tree in half and caused structural damage to the left corner of the garage. The driver received minor Em...
Posted on September 7, 2021

Actually asleep at the gate? Securitas checks up on staff, shores up security

It’s a story that’s been told around Rossmoor for decades. Bad guys easily sneak past indifferent security guards and make off with Rossmoor residents’ cars, jewelry, mail and other valuables – even the catalytic converters beneath their cars. Rossmoor Public Safety Manager Tom Cashion hears it all the time. “Since I took over (in April), I’ve hear...
Posted on September 7, 2021

Solar Initiative supporters acknowledge criticism but say plan is still exploratory

Pr op onent s of th e Rossmoor Solar Initiative, a long-term plan to work with outside energy firms to bring solar power to as many Rossmoor Mutuals as will buy in, said they will take into consideration a recent GRF-commissioned consultant’s report critical of the initiative. It’s also premature, they say, to conclude the proposed solar initiative...
Posted on September 7, 2021

Resident’s observations reveal changes ahead for Rossmoor security

Philip Slakey recently shared with his Rossmoor Parkway neighbor a letter he wrote to Public Safety Manager Tom Cashion. She suggested Slakey share the letter and Cashion’s answers in the News so residents could see what is being done – and what is still to come – for security in Rossmoor. We liked the idea, too, so here are Slakey’s News photo by ...
Posted on September 7, 2021

Free flu vaccination clinic comes to Rossmoor on Sept. 15

Kaiser Permanente will host a free flu vaccination clinic at Rossmoor on Wednesday, Sept. 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the Event Center. Shots will be available for Kaiser members and non-members in the Tahoe Room. Participants can register for the shots on the MyRossmoor web portal by clicking “Events.” Residents who have not signed up for p...
Posted on September 7, 2021

Rossmoor Library’s next chapter started with the COVID reopening

It will take more than COVID-19, with its Zoom meetings and added reliance on internet tools and digital information, to make people forget the “hands on” feeling of turning paper pages with one’s fingers, touching the cover, even smelling the bookbinding. “Our patrons like to hold a book, and they chat about what they’re reading,” said Gay White, ...
Posted on August 31, 2021

How is Rossmoor preparing for smoky air near and far

Wildfire season The Bay Area has already seen several days of thick smoke clouding local skies from various wildfires hundreds of miles away. Its return to Rossmoor and surrounding areas is a virtual certainty. Particulate matter from that smoke can aggravate health problems for seniors, and others with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
Posted on August 31, 2021

‘Make a plan’ during National Preparedness Month

Rossmoor Emergency Preparedness Organization (EPO) and Rossmoor Area Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) are two resident volunteer organizations committed to encouraging residents to participate in the annual National Preparedness Month for September. This year’s theme is “Prepare to Protect: Preparing for Disasters is Protecting Everyone You...
Posted on August 31, 2021

Booster shots coming for vaccinated starting next month

Those with severely weakened immune systems are now eligible to receive a third dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, and all Americans vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna can receive an additional shot starting Sept. 20, once an individual is eight months past his or her second dose. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Aug. 12 authorized the...
Posted on August 24, 2021