
Board unanimously endorses room-reservation changes

Anew series of room-reservation fees unanimously approved by the GRF Board last week provides for 13 club rooms to operate as “no fee, no service” spaces that Rossmoor clubs can reserve for free, and that require no formal set-up. The adjusted fees, as outlined at last week’s Board meeting, make the following rooms “no fee, no service” spaces: • Cr...
Posted on December 10, 2024

What chill? Swimmers thrive at outdoor classes at Dollar

Residents make the most of closures for indoor pool As the sun emerged on a chilly morning, the sounds of the Four Seasons’ 1962 hit “Sherry” kicked things off at Cathy Steen’s water exercise class at Dollar Pool. Fun and resilience were in the frigid air. With weather already turning cold before winter, a spirited band of residents has been ventur...
Posted on December 10, 2024

Early storm serves as reminder of being prepared

After Rossmoor navigated a strong storm the weekend before Thanksgiving, it’s a reminder of how important it is to be prepared. An atmospheric river storm wreaked havoc predominantly in the North Bay, with the brunt hitting this area on Friday, Nov. 22. Knowing this would be a significant storm, Rossmoor had prepared before the brunt hit, particula...
Posted on December 10, 2024

Having options during the holidays is vital for those grieving loss of a loved one

Grief doesn’t take a holiday even during these festive times that are all about family and friends gathering for celebrations of love, fellowship and joy. The holidays can be a stark reminder of a loved one’s absence, regardless of when the death occurred. Over time, these periods will get easier, but a void may still exist that some find hard to f...
Posted on December 10, 2024

Ray of hope found for Rossmoor mortgages

Investor underwrites new co-op loan despite lack of full insurance coverage There has been a lot of hand-wringing in Rossmoor in recent months over how the inability of GRF to fully insure its $2.7 billion of residential and community buildings (and other assets) has helped lead to fewer home sales here. With Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not willing ...
Posted on December 3, 2024


WIDE SSPECTTRRUUMM OOF F FAITH Rossmoor reflects one of the nation’s most religiously diverse counties Many religious groups operate within, or immediately adjacent to, Rossmoor – “mainstream” faiths like Lutheranism, Catholicism and Judaism to “alternative spirituality” groups like Eckankar, Center of Spiritual Cultivation and Ananda (related to B...
Posted on December 3, 2024

Rossmoor women forge needed connections through active club

Go to any event put on by The Connection, and it’s hard not to notice the hubbub created by happy chatter, bright smiles and cheerfulness. Discovering that “connection,” which women who belong to one of Rossmoor’s most enduring and successful clubs have found, is what it’s about. This club’s name fits. When casual conversation leads to finding comm...
Posted on December 3, 2024

GRF may tee up new golf reservation system

Technical problems have plagued current system GRF is open to finding a new online golf tee-time reservation system, after the current system went down for three weeks in late October and early November, forcing reservations to be made manually and inconveniencing both players and Golf Shop staff. At the Golf Advisory Committee’s Nov. 22 meeting, G...
Posted on December 3, 2024

Tice pool roof panel work progressing on schedule

Rossmoor’s only indoor pools should reopen in early January C athy Robinson-Walker said that, as a lap swimmer, she’s been missing her workouts at the Tice Creek Fitness Center pool. So, she was glad to hear that work to replace the roof panels there is on time. “It is a very big loss to many of us,” Robinson- Walker, a member of the GRF Aquatics a...
Posted on November 26, 2024

71 and still conqueri

ng Rossmoor resident adds climbing to base camp of Mt. Everest to list of milestones The most recent of Dr. Janny Li’s worldwide travels – which have included treks to both the North and South poles, and lots of territory in-between – was a journey in early October to the base camp at Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain, on the Nepal-China ...
Posted on November 26, 2024