
Candidates discuss Membership Transfer Fee, top goal, more

GRF Board election One challenger may disagree, but the other five GRF Board candidates, including the three who are running unopposed, say the Membership Transfer Fee paid by all first-time homebuyers into Rossmoor is absolutely vital for funding new capital projects and for paying for necessary maintenance to community facilities. While all six c...
Posted on April 16, 2024

Burning of dead brush likely to occur soon on Rossmoor hills

Work needed as part of shaded fuel break project P rogress is being made in removing excess brush from the hills above Rossmoor, making the valley a little safer for every acre cleared. Tom Cashion, Rossmoor’s director of public safety, said crews led by the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District are clearing about one acre per day as part of...
Posted on April 9, 2024

Docents bring local history to life

A glimpse into the past Residents of Rossmoor tend to know a thing or two hundred. They tell fascinating stories, amazing a listener with knowledge and anecdotes. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that so many volunteer as docents. Whether it’s at a museum or historic venue, this is another way to take on a new challenge and add another subjec...
Posted on April 9, 2024

Counseling Services offers residents a helping hand

Many programs to meet life’s challenges Lynn Welch, the most recent addition to Rossmoor Counseling Services’ staff of full-time licensed clinicians, made a precise point as guest speaker at the Rossmoor Rotary Club’s Ap1ril 3 meeting. “We’re here for Rossmoor residents,” she said while providing an overview of Counseling Services’ many programs, s...
Posted on April 9, 2024

INSIDETHENEWS Section A Bridge, Games, ….

INSIDETHENEWS Section A Bridge, Games, Sports.19-22A Health............................ 25-26A Main News............. 1-18A, 32A Op/Ed Columns................. 24A Residents Forum............... 23A Rossmoor TV Guide.......... 30A Scenes Around Rossmoor.31A Section B Arts and Leisure............... 1-9B Classified....................... 14-22B Fitn...
Posted on April 9, 2024

Far more than an exercise class

Friendship also important in Parkinson’s class It has long been known that exercise and other physical activities can improve the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and help stave off some of the worst of them as the disease progresses. But those taking part in a Parkinson’s exercise class at Tice Creek Fitness Center say the physical tasks they go th...
Posted on April 2, 2024

GRF Board moves solar expansion forward, meets interim CFO

The GRF Board on Thursday unanimously approved an agreement with a lender that will help usher in the longsought Solar Phase II project, in an arrangement that could save Rossmoorians as much as $11 million in electricity costs over the next 25 years. The 25-year Power Purchase Agreement is with a “third party,” F& M Bank, which would initially...
Posted on April 2, 2024

Food and beverage study launches survey

GRF is on a mission to enhance the community with new food and drink options and would love for residents to be part of it. Imagine more places to gather, enjoy a meal or grab a coffee right here in Rossmoor. Imagine dining as a destination … or delivered to the front door. “This is about making our community even more vibrant and connected, with c...
Posted on April 2, 2024

Channel 1083 brings Rossmoor TV fully into the HD world

There are four new numbers to associate with Rossmoor TV – Channel 1083. That’s where residents can find Rossmoor programming on their Comcast cable TV package, now in full high-definition glory. This went into effect April 1. It’s the latest in a series of significant upgrades that have put Rossmoor TV squarely in the digital broadcasting landscap...
Posted on April 2, 2024