$15 for 30 words or less (25 cents per extra word). A discounted rate of $12.50 per ad is available for ads that run four or more consecutive weeks. The non-resident rate for four weeks is $50.

Rossmoor Residents:
$10 for 30 words or less (25 cents per extra word). A discounted rate of $8.75 per ad is available for ads that run four or more consecutive weeks. The Rossmoor resident rate for four weeks is $35. Resident ID is required for verification.

How to place a classified ad:

For information on how to place a classified ad, call 925-988-7800. Ads are not taken over the phone but can be sent using the online submission form, as an email to or in-person at 1006 Stanley Dollar Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Payment by check can be dropped in the mailbox outside the office. Visa or MasterCard payments can be made over the phone at 925-988-7800.

The deadline to place classified ads is Thursday at noon prior to the Wednesday publication. Earlier deadlines apply during holiday weeks. Please call 925-988-7800 or email to find out about early holiday deadlines.

We have a no refund policy. No cancellations or ad changes are available for ads that are paid for four or more consecutive weeks, until that run is complete. No changes can be made after deadline.

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